Archive | September, 2013

Wedding Friday: How to Choose Your Wedding Music!

27 Sep

HAPPY FRIDAY.  Holy cow.  Can I can a hallelujah?  I’ve been humming all morning and thrilled to pieces the weekend is here.  Adam is coming to Indy!  Hoorah!  He’s finally on a rotation that has weekends off, so he will be back in Indy for the next two weekends in a row.  Amazing.  Though, I do feel a bit bad for the guy…we have to take advantage of time together and get a lot of wedding planning done. (Yay- super thrilling).  With just 3.5 months left we have to tackle a lot of the partner decisions now.  I’m looking forward to getting a lot of decisions made, because truth be told, I don’t love planning my own wedding.

A New Interest

So I must admit, there is a new interest that has been taking over my life.  In an effort to not seek out new running blogs (because I can’t really run and that makes me sad), I have found WEDDING blogs.  Oh. My. Crack. Yes – they are an addiction.  For those of you that may be planning a wedding or know a relative or close friend, I thought I’d share my top wedding blog.  I’m always on the lookout for relevant ones, as I’m sort of picky about wedding blogs (please don’t tell me how I NEED this, that, and the other).  Which is the one I can’t live without?

  • A Practical Wedding.  Hands Down, the best wedding blog out there.  The content is meaningful, varied, aimed at a wide audience, and focused on MARRIAGE.  The wedding is great too, but they really focus on meaningful weddings and relationships.  I love this spin, and honestly it helps me regain sanity in moments of sheer insanity.  I highly recommend it.  This is the only one I really read every few days.

If you have any other great wedding blog recommendations, send them my way.

Wedding Music

Today I thought I’d tackle a planning issue that Adam and I recently went through: deciding the music for the ceremony/reception.  Because Adam and I are such musical people, we really want to love our music and plan ahead.  Enter the musical spreadsheet.  As you know, we’re planning our wedding through Google Docs.  Mainly because it’s absolutely amazing…but also because it keeps us organized, connected, and all the information is quickly at our finger tips (they have an app, boom.).  It’s a life changer/game changer, and I couldn’t recommend it enough.  So per usual fashion I started a spreadsheet (of the musical variety) to get our thoughts organized.  Here’s how we figured out our music.

How to plan out your wedding music.

  1.  Figure out where you want music.  Before you can decide what music to play you really need to understand how much and specifically where the music will go.  I googled wedding music and found a few sites that gave ideas on when couples traditionally have music: Unity Candle, Pre-ceremony, recessionals, processionals, etc. Adam and I decided on: pre-ceremony, processionals (of grandparents, bridesmaids, bride), Unity Candle, Responsoral Psalm, Recessional, and post-ceremony (during our receiving line).
  2. Make a spreadsheet (or piece of paper).  I organized our “whens” of music into the column headers.  We have headers like “Bridal Processional” and “Unity Candle.”  Beneath each header are rows where all the ideas can go.  This makes it convenient to add all sorts of ideas before narrowing things down. Believe me, we added all sorts of crazy things into each of the columns, which was fun to let our creative juices flow.
  3. Brainstorm!  This is the fun part.  Open up YouTube and go to town listening to different options.  Nowadays people can go very traditional, uber modern, or anything in between.  I researched the traditional music choices and found sites offering many different ideas.  I used these ideas, along with my original brainstorm thoughts, to create lists within each column.  Adam and I sort of have a mix of traditional with a few twists.
  4. Narrow it down.  Once you have all the possible ideas you could ever want, then the hard part comes.  Adam and I had several skype dates to listen and discuss all of the music.  It took several days to come up with our final plan, and that’s okay!  It’s a big decision and we wanted to really marinate on it for awhile.

Our beautiful spreadsheet!

Our  Ceremony Music Plan

To give you a sneak peak of our wedding, here is the music plan we settled upon:

  • Pre-ceremony: We are playing some numbers from musicals!  A bit silly, but we chose a lot of the really beautiful pieces on piano.  Essentially, if you know didn’t know they were from musicals you would just think it was lovely piano music.  If you did, well you’re in on the secret and hope you enjoy it J
  • Singers: I was in a singing group in college (Adam too) and plan to use some of my dearest friends to sing two songs before the processionals begin.  One song is more of a “love song” and the other more a religious sacred song.  I have a friend who plays the flute too – it should be gorgeous!
  • Seating of Grandparents/Parents: We decided to go more traditional here and did the classic Jesu of Man’s Desiring.  Adam loves this song and we like the classic feel of the piece.
  • Bridesmaids: We went uber classic here (some may say boring) and chose Canon in D.  BECAUSE I STINKING LOVE IT.  My sister used to play this song endlessly on the piano growing up (it was one of her favorites) and I always imagined it at my wedding.  Classic, simple, predictable.  Love it.
  • Bridal Processional: So… with the classic processionals you may think okay… here comes the bride.  Well, we still decided to stick with a  classic vein, but went a different direction.  Much to the shock of my mother!  We chose Prelude in C Major by Bach.  It is stunningly beautiful, simple, incredibly moving, and perfect for us.  We are both thrilled about it – can’t wait to walk down the aisle to it.  Check it out here.
  • Unity Candle: Still TBD, but we have some top contenders and need to work out the ideas, but that’s the joy of our spreadsheet.  We have everything right there!
  • Recessional: Okay this one I just can’t share.  It’s so ridiculous that I fear I may get pressure to change it.  But seriously it delights me beyond imagination.  Should be so much fun.

So there you have it!  We have a similar spreadsheet for the reception, organized in the same way…but that one still is quite a bit far from complete.  We’ll just keep trucking along.

Hope you’ve enjoyed Wedding Friday.  Can’t wait to share my ChaLean 60 day results next week.



ChaLean Updates!

26 Sep

Hey Friends!

I hope all has been wonderful!  It’s been a whirlwind of a two weeks for me full of a wedding (no, not my own, 114 days til that!), a time-out on working out (Dr.’s orders), and moving.  I always said that I wanted to blog because I had something helpful or valuable to share…and let’s face it folks – the last two weeks just haven’t been very interesting.  So I didn’t blog, because whatever I said would have been painfully boring.  Sure I’ve been busy, but who wants to hear “Oh my gosh I’m SO busy.”  Gross.  You’re welcome for not blogging.  Let’s try and keep this stuff relevant and interesting. ;)  Additionally, it’s one of those things where when faced with the choice of blogging about healthy living or actually trying to live healthy, I’m going to pick the latter every single time.

So what has been so important to keep me away from all my blogging friends!?  Well, a picture essay for you all to enjoy:


A lovely South Carolina destination wedding!


This lovely beach wedding was for Adam’s cousin, though sadly Adam couldn’t attend (stupid residency). I sang “Lucky” during the ceremony and had a lot of fun!


Oh yeah, and I wasn’t the most healthful eater. Oops.


But I caught the bouquet! Hooray! :)


Packing up my apartment! My lease is up and I’m moving in with my soon-to-be in-laws (the coolest people in. the. world.) until the wedding. Call me old fashioned.


I made egg scrambles for my parents. Let’s just say they were overwhelmed with my sheer amount of culinary talent.


My Dad picked out his suit for the wedding! Isn’t he dashing?


The bridesmaid dresses came in! I tried it on to show my gals! One lives in Seattle and the other in Atlanta, so pictures are everything! Please ignore the moving mess behind me. :)

Yeah – so life is crazy.  Anyone else out there a perpetual let’s-make-things-busier-than-needed person?  I do it every time.  But again, I must enjoy it :)  And if you’re crazy like me, I’m sure you do too!  Okay, onto some relevant updates!

ChaLean Extreme

I’m still pumping iron with Chalene and loving it!  I feel strong, lean, and really haven’t noticed adding any bulk.  This week I “restarted” week 4 of Phase 2.  Last week I had a non-emergent medical procedure that forced me to take 5 days off from working out (stir-crazy!).  I decided to just re-do my week and will begin my FINAL phase of ChaLean Extreme next week.  I’m still really enjoying the program and would HIGHLY recommend it as a terrific beginner program – because Chalene is so patient.  BUT, it’s also great for advanced folks because she really pushes you to lift heavy.  An awesome program.

I’ve also been doing some thinking on P90X vs. ChaLean and will have more words with a complete post – but I do find ChaLean to be an excellent introductory program to P90X.  I think it could really help people get ready to complete P90X successfully.  If you’re worried P90X is too extreme, ChaLean is a great thing to try, because it really offers many modifications (more modifications than P90X).  Additionally, ChaLean is shorter (avg. 40 minutes a day vs. 75 minutes a day).  If you’re not used to working out daily, adding just 40 minutes a day is more doable than the full 75 of P90X.  So if you’ve been wanting to give lifting a go – give P90X a try (I’m thinking of you Lucy!!).

That being said – coming from P90X to ChaLean hasn’t seemed like a huge step-down for me.  Sure it’s shorter and not as intense (time wise and variety of movements), but I think it’s been a needed break and variety while still pushing myself.  Honestly I recommend it either way.

I’m still struggling with the eating program.  It is not as structured as P90X, so I’m having a hard time sticking to it.  I’m doing sort of a hybrid of P90X/lower calorie thing.  It’s been semi-successful, but mainly I’m just trying to eat clean, healthy food.  Which I find difficult if I’m not structured, a struggle for me.  I’m not really doing ChaLean for weight loss (though I wouldn’t hate losing a pound or two) – so I haven’t stressed too much about staying to the recommended 1300 calories.  I will say – I would probably have better results if I followed that, but that’s just common sense!  Not practical for me at this point though.  But please note – your results will differ largely from mine if you do incorporate the eating program.


Yeah it stinks and still hurts and I still can’t do anything about it.  I try to run every couple weeks just “to check” to see if it’s better.  I ran yesterday to wake up to excruciating knee pain today.  I don’t have anything nice to say about it so I won’t say anything at all.

I’ve decided to abandon running to protect my knees for all the DANCING I’m doing.  I’m rehearsing choreography often and I feel like that’s enough strain on my knees.

Post-wedding I’m planning to get more serious as far as doctors, tests, solutions to my knees.  At this point I’ll just settle with being happy I can dance and do my lifting programs.  I don’t want to inflame them to the point I can’t work out at all.  Smart?  Yes I do agree.  So much for my “running” blog.  Yeah.  Poor me.  Hahah.  I think I’ll survive.

I think that’s enough for now.  Happy almost-Friday!


When You Get Off Track…

11 Sep


Maybe if I had an alarm clock like this I could get up…

Hi folks!  Happy Wednesday!  This week has been an awesome one and will continue to bring more excitement (eek!).  With a visit to Nashville on Monday/Tuesday (sigh, 3 weeks is too long without seeing Adam), and a wedding down in South Carolina on Friday and the rest of the weekend-  it’s completely full of awesomeness!  It’s during times of awesomeness (or complete crazy unpleasant stress) that I find it hardest to get my workout in.What to do when things are all out of sorts!?

Last night I got in super late from Nashville and this morning I. Could. Not. Get. Up.  My alarm rang and rang and I just kept pressing ignore (I have a bad habit of not being fully aware of this).  Suddenly I have 15 minutes until I have to leave, let alone workout!  I scrambled around, managed to get clothes on and throw together a lunch (I call that success).  Yet I sit here now kind of disappointed I didn’t get my workout in (that feeling always happens!).  There are several options when you skip a workout (if you have a set weekly schedule).

1. Push the workout back.  I could continue about my day as if it were a rest day.  Tomorrow I’ll do what I planned to do today.

2. Do the workout in the evening or afternoon.  I’m a morning worker outer (note, not a morning person), so the afternoon is always a great back-up.  And I would…but I have 2 hours of dance rehearsal tonight.  I won’t get home until 8:30 and likely won’t be in any physical shape to lift.  But… I could make it happen. No excuses right? Chooo Choo… do you hear the excuse train??

3. Skip the workout.  Come on Kelly, live a little!  Just skip the workout and tomorrow start “Thursday’s” workout.

Honestly I’ve done all three, and they all work.  :)  My favorite tends to be 2, as normally I can find a way to squeeze it in.  But what’s better on your body?  Switching up the routine?  Keeping at it?  Here are some thoughts on each of the options.

When to Push it Back:

If you have built in rest days and pushing back the workout by one day will not ‘mess up’ the next week, go for pushing it back.  This keeps your week on schedule, but just slides things back a bit.  Generally if I’m out of rest days and pushing back means I spill over into the next week I’ll stay away from doing this.  It’s okay to slide, but I hate getting that out of routine.  Getting so out of sorts makes it SO easy to skip more workouts.  Other times I won’t push back?  If I’ve already skipped a workout in the week.  One change up is great, two… is a slippery slope.  (I’m naturally so lazy, I gotta watch myself! One minute I’m working out and the next I’m laying on my couch pinning and eating white cheddar cheezits, yikes ;))

When to Do it No Matter What!

Some days if I sleep over my workout, I just have to make it happen no matter what.  If I have a free or ‘freeish’ evening I generally try to make this happen.  Also, if I’ve skipped workouts previously in the week, or had a pretty treat filled weekend (a la Labor Day) I will make the workout happen!  Generally I decide in the morning what option I’m going with.  This helps me mentally plan and prep for an evening workout.  I’m a huge expectations person, so talking myself into the workout nice and early is helpful!

When to skip the workout

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just can’t make it work!  Times when I’m okay skipping?  If I’m sick or completely exhausted (like crazy-land exhausted, not just ‘meh I’m tired and don’t want to workout’ <– duh, that’s everyday).  I’ll also skip if somehow in my day I replaced the workout – i.e. went on a run at work, or a 2 hour dance rehearsal.  And finally, I’ll skip if I’m out of rest days and my day is so jam packed that I can’t do anything else.  Even if I’m disappointed in myself for not getting my rear in gear, I have to ‘forgive’ myself and move on!  Tomorrow is a new day – channel that energy to make tomorrow the best workout ever!!  Or just working out, I’ll settle for that too ;)

A fourth option – swap the workout.  If you don’t have time for a full workout but can get in something shorter, say yoga?  Do it!  I’ll do this option if I just ‘want to get something in’.  Something is better than nothing!

So what am I going to do today?  Honestly I’m not sure!  I’m hoping that I can talk myself into lifting after my dance rehearsal.  This is one of those situations where I won’t really be able to push back with the destination wedding this weekend.  Fingers crossed I’m not dead after my dance rehearsal!

Speaking of which… the first dance rehearsal for White Christmas was on Saturday!  I danced for 8 hours.  There was a dance workshop for 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours of learning the choreography to “The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing.”  (Swoon!)  I felt like I had signed up for Dancing with the Stars. Seriously – imagine beautiful waltz, fabulous dress, spinning, lifting, dancing!  Oh dear goodness, excited and nervous!

Though…I am still sore (yeah, it’s Wednesday, that was Saturday).  I think that rehearsal was more difficult than most of my races – half or full! (except for that one marathon I didn’t really train for, yeah that sucked).  My knees gave me a bit of trouble so I’ve cut back on running – I may even have to kiss my November half-marathon goodbye (tear).  But I really feel like I have the responsibility to take care of my body with all of this dancing.  And if running is a known irritant… it just makes sense to lay off it for awhile.  It’s still a bummer to me that I can’t run normally without pain, but that’s another sob post. There are FIVE lifts in this ONE dance number, just to give you an idea of the physicality required.  I may spend my time doing abs and planks instead of running (cuz lordy, I’m gonna need it!).  I’m SO excited for the show – it should be amazing.

And because it’s Wednesday: here’s a wedding craft for you to enjoy.  Adam is a whiz and put these together for our tables – me on one side and him on the other.  Yay!

Kelly 00Adam 00

Kelly 02Adam 02

Have a great rest of the week! :)


Edit: Also totally spaced that today is 9/11.  We must never forget!  (clearly I’m talking to myself).

How do you handle missed workouts?  Do you do option 1, 2, or 3… or another way of dealing? Any tips or advice when you get off schedule?

Recipe: Simple Egg Scramble

4 Sep

So guys, I have a confession… I’ve been cooking.  Gasp!  I know, it’s pretty amazing.  Now let’s get this straight – I haven’t been doing anything fancy.  But there’s still something yummy about some warm, home-cooked food.  At least my Mom is impressed.

Cooking is not my forte.  I repeat, cooking is not my forte.  But, I do understand and value home-cooked quality meals.  Over the past few months I’ve worked to slowly add simple, quick recipes to my repertoire.  My simple asparagus and simple arugula are still some of my favorites that I rotate in pretty often.  Lately I’ve been switching up my routine a bit from my normal shake (shakeology and protein) in the morning.  I have been cooking in the morning, with a shake for dinner.  I find that sometimes when I come home from work I really crave something sweet and often don’t have the patience for a meal.  Living alone, this swap has worked pretty well.  I don’t do it everyday, but I’ll throw it in for some variety.  And who doesn’t love variety?

This egg scramble is super simple and is a great way to get in lots of veggies!  It is one way that I ‘trick’ myself into eating more vegetables!  Additionally I’ve used the same principles to make many spin off dishes, like breakfast burritos or sautéed veggies and pasta.  Now I’m really getting fancy.


  • Eggs or Egg Beaters (when I use whole eggs I do three egg whites plus one whole egg, lately I’ve been using egg beaters and do 1/2 or 2/3 of a cup).
  • Morningstar sausage patties (made of soy, but you could substitute for any other protein source).
  • Pepper (I throw a whole one in!)
  • Spinach (a handful works well)
  • Zucchini (I’ve been using half of a small one, cut into small pieces)
  • Salt/Pepper
  • Nonstick spray


  1. Heat a large frying/sauté pan (see I don’t even know what cooking things are called!). Normally I put mine at about a 4 on my stove.
  2. Once the pan is hot, spray with the nonstick spray, and throw in the cut up veggies.
  3. Let the veggies cook for around 10 minutes, flipping them occasionally.  Often I’ll turn down my stove and let them cook a bit longer if I’m getting ready for the day as well.  Multi-tasking at its finest.
  4. Once the veggies are cooked to your liking, throw in the 2/3 cup egg beaters and cooked morningstar sausage (I normally heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds).
  5. Stir everything about and scramble it!
  6. Let all ingredients cook until they are to your liking.  I tend to like them a bit on the browner side – I know, I’m weird. Often I will turn down the stove once everything looks dandy just to keep it warm.  Right before I walk out the door I’ll throw it into a tupperware for a delicious hot breakfast at work.
photo (3)

Cook the cut veggies on their own first.

photo (7)

Next, add in the eggs and sausage.

photo (4)

Ta da! Hot food on a plate. Amazing.

It’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s an awesome way to get in those veggies!  I have experimented with all sorts of different chopped veggies.  Instead of eating a salad, I’ll eat my egg scramble full of veggies.  Much yummier.

photo (1)

The breakfast burrito variety – just add a wheat tortilla!

photo (5)

Look at these fancy veggies!

photo (6)

Look! Veggies with pasta!! Yum.

When I showed my breakfast to my co-worker he responded, “Oh so I can see that you’ve learned you can put anything in egg beaters and it’s delicious.”  Apparently it’s a thing.  :)

Enjoy and happy eating!


What have you thrown into eggs?  Are you a lazy chef?